Monday, 27 February 2017


How to Learn VOCABULARY 

1. This section is of great importance in SSC exam. The maximum number of questions in both SSC Tier 1 and Tier 2 papers is from this section. Thus your preparation should revolve around strengthening your vocabulary skills.

 2. There are direct questions on the following topics in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 exams.

 o  Synonyms and Antonyms 
 o  Phrase or Idiom Meaning 
 o  One Word Substitution 
 o  Spellings
 o  Fill in the Blanks 
 o  Phrase Replacement

 3. An additional topic for Tier 2 is Cloze Test. 

4. The most interesting thing about building a vocabulary is that it doesn’t require any extraordinary efforts. It keeps on building whether you are reading a newspaper or a book. Whenever you come across a new word, take a minute to look it up in a dictionary or a thesaurus. Note down its meaning, synonyms and antonyms and its usage. At a later date, try to use these words in sentences of your own to revise the meanings.

5. Solve the vocabulary sections from previous years’ papers and time yourself. This should give you a good idea about the type of questions asked and the difficulty level. It will also give you a fair idea about how much work you need to do.

 6. Read English for Competitive Exams Modules to get understand contextual usage. 

7. Try out mnemonic techniques to remember vocabulary. 

8. Practice Vocab questions on Testbook’s app every day. Bookmark the questions that you got wrong and practise them later to achieve accuracy. 

9. Go through blogs to find articles on Vocabulary like Easily Confused Words like this one and this one. You should also read up on topics like Cloze Test. 

10. Practice sectional tests of English every day. Chart your growth through Testbook’s analysis. 

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