Thursday, 23 February 2017

Important points to be noted during solving Seating arrangements

 Step I: The data given in such questions specify the positions of some or all the individuals in arrangement. The positions are specified through conditions involving specified persons sitting (or not sitting) opposite each other or a particular person sitting to the right of left of another person etc.
 Step II: Once you read the data, first draw the shape (Circle, square, rectangle, pentagaon, etc) specified in the data and then mark the slots (empty spaces) in the sitting arrangement.
 Step III: Using all definite information, fill up as many slots (empty places) as possible. Means always be careful to choose the correct starting point. Those information which are (100%) confirm should be taken first.
 Step IV: Never assume anything in the questions.
 Step V: In case, if information cannot be use, mark that information and use them, later when the problems calls for it.
 Step VI: Now, move on the comparative information. Taking comparative information and consider all possibilities and choose the possibility which does not violate any condition.
 Step VII: Be careful with certain words like “not”, “only”, “who”, “and”.
 Step VIII:  Some gender defining terms are like “him”, “her”, “he”, “she” will help you decode the information.

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